Two Decades Experience with Asbestos & Lead Inspections
Certified Asbestos, Mold and Lead Consultant
Our company provides Asbestos inspections for residential demolition, renovation permits and pre construction permits. We also provide consulting for commercial demolition and renovation projects.
AAA Asbestos has been in business since 2000.
We are state certified as a Woman Minority Owned Business.
Call Direct: 310-592-3657 Se Habla Español
Low cost fast turn around service.
Our asbestos and mold inspections are provided by Certified Asbestos and Mold Consultants.
Homeowners and commercial property owners who are planning to demolish or renovate their property are required by the State to have their property inspected prior to commencement of work.
SCAQMD Rule 1403
The SCAQMD is a policing agency funded by state, federal and local regulatory agencies for the enforcement of environmental laws. The SCAQMD regulates asbestos under their Rule known as Rule 1403. This regulation dictates how demolition, renovation and asbestos removal projects are to be properly and legally conducted. All bold type has been placed to highlight important areas by the Author.
"The purpose of this rule is to specify work practice requirements to limit asbestos emissions from building demolition and renovation activities, including the removal and associated disturbance of asbestos-containing materials (ACM).
The requirements for demolition and renovation activities include asbestos surveying, notification, ACM removal procedures and time schedules, ACM handling and clean-up procedures, and storage, disposal, and landfilling requirements for asbestos-containing waste materials (ACWM).
All operators are required to maintain records, including waste shipment records, and are required to use appropriate warning labels, signs, and markings. This rule, in whole or in part, is applicable to owners and operators of any demolition or renovation activity, and the associated disturbance of asbestos-containing material, any asbestos storage facility, or any active waste disposal site."
Rule 1403 applies to ANY project where building materials are being disturbed.
License Number 12-4983